Gift Ideas For Entrepreneurs

Tis the season. The season to not know what to get your clients and biz besties for the holidays. Don’t get them another mug or candle. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Where are my Seinfeld people at?

Anyways….I put together a list of some gift ideas perfect for the entrepreneurs in your life. These also make great client gifts.

Tell me….what are some of your favorite gifts that you have given or received?

Curated Gift Box

There are so many fun and unique and fun gifting companies out there. The last few years I have used to these companies to create custom, personalized gift boxed delivered right to my clients’ doors. Some of my favorites are Greeabl, Happy Box Store, and Box Fox.

Local favorites

Give a taste of where you are from. For me, my clients are all over the country. So to be able to send a little bit of Montana to them is a fun, unique gift I know they won’t get from anyone else. Some ideas:

  • Coffee from a local coffee roaster
  • Items from local makers (jewelry, artists, photographers, skin care, etc.)
  • Wine or spirits from a local wine maker or distillery

Branded Swag

Show your client or biz bestie love by having branded swag made for them. I know I poo-pooed coffee mugs, but if you had a Yeti personalized with their logo on it, that makes it so much more special than just picking one up at Target. Have stickers made with their logo or favorite catch phase. Sticker Mule always has great deals to check out.

Comfy Work From Home Gear

Who doesn’t love comfy loungewear for working from home or relaxing after a busy day of work? I know I do. Why not gift your favorite entrepreneur a unique sweatshirt from one of my favorite small, woman-owned shops? Two that I love are Ruthie and Girl Get After It.

I just pre-ordered this hoodie from GGAI and I can’t wait.

Added Value

If you are a service provider, can you gift your clients with added value? If you are a photographer, could you send them an ornament with one of their photos? If you are a social media manager, can you gift them some new template designs? Maybe a new guide to something, help with something in 2023? Get creative and think of added value you can offer that won’t totally drain you or your resources.

Helpful Tools & Tech

Know an entrepreneur that is a Reels queen? Why not gift her a new ring light or a Flipstik? What about a Roomba so their house can be being cleaned while they work? You can also go low-tech and get them a new planner, your favorite business book, or journal.

I hope these ideas gave you some inspiration and ideas for getting creative with your gift giving this year. Remember, keep it personalized and meaningful to have the biggest impact. What do you KNOW they will love? Even if it’s a coffee mug or candle, it’s the thought that counts.

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