My 3 Favorite Instagram Engagement Hacks

If you use Instagram for your business, you likely hear about how important engagement is. We have talked a lot about engagement, but today I wanted to share some of my favorite hacks for engaging with other accounts. Here’s the deal, if you want to grow your following and get engagement on your posts, youContinueContinue reading “My 3 Favorite Instagram Engagement Hacks”

10 Tips For Improving Engagement

Why does engagement matter on Instagram? Last week we talked about the three things the Instagram algorithm prioritizes—timeliness, interest, and relationship. Those things all tie into engagement. If you time your posts right when you audience is most actively engaging on social media, that is a plus. Your audience shows its level of interest inContinueContinue reading “10 Tips For Improving Engagement”

How To Work With The Algorithm, Not Against It

Is ‘algorithm’ a four letter word to you? There is so much out there about “beating the algorithm”. That sentiment alone makes it seem like it is us against the algorithm. When we see engagement numbers drop, we blame the algorithm. But it doesn’t have to be that way. The algorithm exists for a reason,ContinueContinue reading “How To Work With The Algorithm, Not Against It”