Haven’t Planned Your Holiday Campaigns Yet? There’s Still Time

It seems like every year the holiday season comes out of nowhere. I blame Costco for putting Christmas decorations out right after back-to-school. Nothing against Costco. I love Costco. I was literally there today. Back to business… If you are a small business, just keeping up with day-to-day tasks, customer service, business development and anyContinueContinue reading “Haven’t Planned Your Holiday Campaigns Yet? There’s Still Time”

Social Media Considerations: Your Audience Matters

All too often I see brands jump into social media with an “all-or-nothing” attitude, meaning they think they have to have a presence on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, Google+ and everything in between. When guiding clients to the right solution, I always come back to the content. I will ask, “What content do youContinueContinue reading “Social Media Considerations: Your Audience Matters”